membership support

You can get 24/7 membership support (i.e. login retrieval, cancellation, billing questions, etc.) by clicking the applicable CCBill or Epoch support link below.

Support Contact

You can contact support at

I check my email often throughout each day and will respond as soon as possible. Please use this email for support only (i.e. login or technical issues). Use the Forum inside the Member's Area to discuss other topics.

To expedite support, please provide your Username in your message.

Join Help

If you're having trouble joining, clear your cache and cookies first or try a different browser.

Login Help

If you're having trouble logging in and are getting an "Access Denied" message then please make sure you enter both Username and Password in correctly each time you get prompted. If you use a VPN, please make sure it's turned off before trying to log in.

Remember that logins are cAsE SeNsItIvE. Old logins can get stored by browsers so you may have to clear you browser cache and cookies. If you think you entered your login incorrectly too many times then just wait about 10-15 minutes and try again.

If you forgot your login then just CLICK HERE to retrieve it.

If you want to change your password then just CLICK HERE to get a new one.

Device Code Prompt

For added security, you may receive a "New Device" prompt that requires you to enter a code that will be emailed to you. Once your device is approved, you won't have to enter the code again but a new code will be required for each new device you use to access the Member's Area. This security measure is put in place to prevent others from using your login.

If you don't receive the code email in your inbox, please check your spam folder. If it's not there then refresh the prompt several times to generate a new email.

Video Help

If you're having trouble streaming videos then try another browser like Fire Fox, Safari or Chrome. In most cases this corrects the problem.

If you are experiencing slow streaming/downloads then this can be caused by either heavy traffic times like right after a new video is released or a bad connection. To establish a new connection, simply close your browser and retry.